“Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone's soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.”
― Rumi

The 10% Give Back

Alexandra’s Rose will donate 10% of all proceeds from art sales, art groups, and intuitive art sessions to non-profits doing the work for a better world.

Inquire to learn more or to nominate a non-profit.



My mission is to provide an avenue for soul expression through creative education and exercises that elevate our innate purposes as creative beings.

My vision is focused on working to destroy the “I’m not creative” lie that pervades our society. I believe that all humans are creative and this creativity sparks new ideas. New ideas born out of creative thinking can change the world for the better.


Alexandra’s Rose was born out of the desire to share a gift – something ethereal and intangible to shed light into this world.

As this inner longing began to take root in the shape of ideas, tangible words began to form on pages from pen. Over many years, these ideas and words stayed hidden within the confines of bindings on dusty shelves – taken out for only my eyes.

Though I always knew that there was something important to say within my being, I was unsure of how, exactly, to say it. So, I quietly cultivated my crafts in the realm of writing, visual art, and wearable art over the years. As they developed, it became apparent that these were something to be shared. Spirit began to weave into the lines and shapes of my pieces, whispering a calling to uplift the Creator within each of us.

I believe that we are on the precipice of great paradigm shifts for all living beings and our gifts are being called forth by the Creator to share with one another. In doing so, we work to collectively overcome that which does not serve our elevation on all levels.

About Me

Alexandra Rose is an artist, farmer, and earth steward who has lived in Northern Colorado since 2000. She now enjoys thriving in the area with an amazing family made up of her husband, daughter, & pup. Her work and joy in this world focuses around art, nature-based education, cultivating natural spaces, fostering the connection with Creator, our own creative self, and our community, and stewarding her beautiful family. In most moments, you may find her exploring outdoors, talking with plants, creating art, cultivating an outdoor space, or learning instruments, languages, & new skills.